Four Short Films To Kickstart Your Creativity & Turn Work Into Play
Video 1 — Creativity 101
What is creativity and why is it important? It's how we spark our best ideas, turn work into play and stay present, playful and curious. Plus the good news is you have had years of training - called childhood.
Video 2 — Creativity Exercise: Take Yourself For A Mini-Adventure
In this video, learn how to transform your next walk into a bite-sized blast of inspiration and find all the ideas you need - right outside your front door.
Video 3 — Creativity Culture In The Workplace
Companies that foster a creative culture have an edge over the competition. Ideation, innovation and creativity all go hand in hand.
Video 4 — Creativity In Your Life & Work
This video is all about how to make creativity a part of your day-to-day reality, today, right now, as opposed to putting it off until the day you can finally sit down to write that novel.