The Path to the Possibility of Wonder
A Powerful, Playful, Profound Year-Long Journey

The Path
A Powerful, Playful, Profound Year-Long Journey
Updated dates - Autumn ‘24 - Autumn ‘25
This is a call to adventure.
An adventure that takes place deep within, as well as in the outside world.
A real life quest, created and curated just for you, tailored to amplify your soul’s calling and to gamify your challenges, to fully realise your hopes and dreams, and design a truly meaningful life and legacy.
1 year.
6 women.
Multiple worlds.
Infinite possibilities.
So what kind of adventure are we talking about?
This adventure is about creating a path to the future you, radiant in your healthy old age, looking back on a life well-lived, one filled with moments of meaning, love and connection and also imbued with a profound sense of purpose.
This adventure is about a path of presence, playfulness and the possibility of wonder, encompassing the personal and the professional, as well exploring a project you are thinking about bringing into being.
A path that celebrates being, as well as doing, playing as well as working, exploring deep individual enquiry as well as creative and collaborative exploration.
A path made up of truly extraordinary experiences, ways into wonder and magic in the mundane.
A path you will walk in part alone - yet with me as your personal guide - and also in step with a cohort of five other adventurers who, like you, hear the call to adventure and feel the “YES” resounding in their very bones.
The Path of the Possibility of Wonder is a playful, purposeful, magical quest to expand your creativity, explore your legacy and experience powerful moments of deep meaning and profound connection, in partnership with a gang of wonder women, peers, seekers, inspirers and playmates.
This is a one-of-a-kind, never-say-never, year-long creative quest, both within and without, that will span real life experiences and light filled virtual worlds, on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, for six extraordinary women who are ready to step out of their usual realities and join me for a life changing journey into the future, both individually and collectively.
The Path will entail:
12 hours of one to one coaching, tailored to your unique journey
7 one day wonder workshops IRL, in all sorts of magical places, from forest labyrinths to urban adventures
1 residential retreat weekend in a beautiful countryside setting
8 remote sessions - connecting as light beings in an extraordinarily beautiful world in Virtual Reality
1 masterclass in making your very own miniature world within an artwork led by a renowned artist
18 hours of peer mentoring and compassionate accountability to keep you on the path through the year
Additional 12+ hours of online course content to support you with tools and techniques along the way
A living reference library of resources and recommendations from incredible bodyworkers to magical places
Why would you want to sign up for the Path?
Reasons to be playful - 1, 2, 3…
You have a seed of an idea - and you want to bring it to life
What if you could have exactly the right conditions all around you to bring a new idea into the world? What if you had the time and space dedicated to creating a space for it to seed and thrive? What if you were to learn, and master, a powerful new way to help it grow as it emerges from your imagination and into a full expression of being alive, realised, ready to share?
What if you were to do this without stress or pressure, with permission to rest, reflect and recalibrate your inner compass as you go?
What if you had 12 hours of bespoke one to one creative coaching to help keep you on track, and a gang of extraordinary peers to share the process with you?
You want to feel you are playing your part in the world, committed to the bigger picture
You feel a deep longing to explore your legacy, and to do so with like-minded people in community, not alone. In a culture that promotes individualism, you want to feel you are an integral part of a web, rather than a solitary thread, acting in isolation.
You are ready to make a commitment to leave an abiding positive impact in the world, and want to do so through connection, contribution, collaboration and co-creation.
You are feeling the call of transformation.
Maybe you have reached a point in your life where you are ready to step away from old identities and stories and allow for the emergence into something new - and as yet, unknown.
Perhaps you have reached a plateau in your profession, your career or your workplace and want to do more meaningful work in the world.
Or maybe your life is simply at a natural point where you are feeling a sense of profound and pivotal change up ahead, whether in response to macro or the micro, the state of the wider world or your children growing up or simply the post pandemic reality that has allowed you to shift your priorities and your perspective.
Whatever the reason, the Path provides a spacious, beautiful and nourishing process to allow you to transform, both individually and collectively.
So, what does the Path to the Possibility of Wonder actually feel like?
Here are the words of two of the Path participants:
I am so incredibly grateful for the journey I’ve had on the Path.
This space for me was a grief circle, a creativity masterclass, a mystical unlocking, a way to greater connection with myself and others, and adventure (an incredible adventure) and a place where I have experienced the wealth of female presence and permission.
Through this work, I have found new ways of being that have cascaded into my life in such vibrant and delicate ways that I can only keep going forward with these opportunities and these women.
Gratitude really isn’t a big enough word.
Natasha Wielogorska
UK NHS plastic surgeon
The Path has led me to discover so many riches about myself and the universe.
I have rediscovered my place, my value, my purpose in the world and very specifically within the corporate world I inhabit where as an older woman I was starting to feel lost.
I have learnt through this group and this process how to bridge the gap between my creative and spiritual life and my corporate work life. I have moved from being concerned I could no longer operate in the corporate world to believing that I still have valuable gifts to offer.
The Path has opened something up in me that will continue forever. I am so deeply grateful to you Tiu for bringing this to me.
Nicola Hope
Group Director of Business Transformation and Strategy
So, who is the Path for?
The Path is for six women who feel the call to traverse a threshold in their life and work
- to step more fully into who they hope to become.
The women who are called to explore the Path come from all backgrounds, values and beliefs.
They tend to be going through - or are about to go though - some kind of transition, be it professional, personal, physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual.
While they may have some idea of their hopes and dreams for the future, they are open to exploring the creation of a truly meaningful life, for themselves and others.
They have already done some deep work on their patterns and their past, are aware of their wounds as well as their sense of wonder - and are now ready to embark on a new kind of path, one that entails playfulness and creativity as well as profound and peaceful presence, an awareness of our mortality and the fragility of our world, as well as a wholehearted commitment to being alive and experiencing joy.
They are getting ready to let go of the old and they are open to a shift in perspective, to seeing their world - and perhaps their part in it - anew.
Their intuition is awake and they instinctively feel ready to activate their curiosity and answer the call to adventure.
They sense that this is the right time and this is the right place to start a new chapter - and they have a hunch that this Path to the Possibility of Wonder will attract the perfect people to walk alongside them as they step into a new chapter, whatever it may be.
I don’t know how to thank you for the massive change you have made in my life. In many ways it felt effortless and light as a process - and yet it also revealed some deep insights through magical and mysterious means.
The transformation has been phenomenal.
I have got back my sense of play and adventure through wonder and bringing in childlike joy.
I’ve smashed away the boundaries and I am now on my way to having a limitless life.
Nardia Bowden
Sustainability Analyst
How it works
Setting off on the Group Adventure
This is about setting off on a sparkly path into possibility.
We might not be sure of our precise destination - which is what exploration is all about - but the path itself has some magical markers along the way.
Meeting IRL: The Wonder Days
As well as your own personal path, designed in our 12 hours of one to one sessions, we will also have a year of meeting as a group, including seven one day sessions and one full residential weekend, in person, starting in autumn 2024 and completing in autumn 2025.
Each of our in person sessions will contain:
an extraordinary experience entailing an immersive mini-adventure
a seasonal ritual which will allow you to reflect, release and recalibrate
a creative tool or technique to help you navigate the next part of the path
a chance to connect deeply and meaningfully with yourself and your fellow adventurers
I am writing with enormous gratitude and I am so happy that I went with my gut and signed up to do the Path, when things were still so uncertain, as I have gained from this process immeasurably over the past few months.
I think I can sum it up by saying that I have been reminded of the joy and playfulness and - yes the Possibility of Wonder - in every day life and that all I have to do is to go and seek it out, reminding myself the things (and especially the people!) that bring me joy.
I'm sure there is some magic in this, but more simply it is around adopting ways of being and practices that open up a different way of seeing the world - and Tiu is the perfect guide into these.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with her.
Ruth Dobson
Senior Advisor, Strategic Leader & Charity Board & Trustee
The Path is about shifting perspectives so you can find your very special and unique journey through life.
It’s about a created space for you to be yourself, to become yourself, to discover yourself, to get in touch deeply with your soul – whatever it is that you need to do now.
It meets you where you are.
The Path brings you an opportunity to explore another side of you through magical and creative activities.
It allowed me to explore myself in safety and community with amazing women who hold you through that which needs to be unfolded.
It’s what I needed – fully and utterly.
International Public Health Physician
The Wonder Days include:
Crossing the First Threshold
Our first day together as a group, in person, where we will get to know each other and step with intention into a new realm of possibility, exploring techniques to map our path and empower our inner myth-making.
Birthing Your Project
A day of colour, creativity and connecting to the soul of the project you are bringing into the world, with a session including the creative writing technique David Bowie used to write all his songs.
Magic Portal Walk
We will practise a powerful technique that will enable you to step through a magic portal into other worlds – quite literally - leaving you feeling connected, creative, inspired and able to access your sense of wonder.
Serendipity In The City
An urban adventure called the Pronoia Project where we sneak around committing random acts of kindness and covert acts of beauty in the streets of London, all the while learning how to engineer serendipity at will.
Making a Miniature World
We will each be making our very own artwork, guided by a world renowned artist, in telling the story of an aspect of our own Path - in miniature. You will not only find a new way to explore your creativity but you will go away with a ‘Glass Cathedral’ to capture and commemorate the beauty of your journey.
Fireside Stories & Lighting the Way
In the deep midwinter, we will have a residential weekend with a powerful ritual to reflect, release, reintegrate and return to the world, restored and resourced and perhaps even transformed by our adventure.
Completion & Celebration
Our final in person day together, to look back at where we have been, celebrate how far we have come and send our hopes and wishes forward to our new future.
A group-led support programme to get the project of 'you' out of your head and into the world, using curiosity and creativity to move towards living every day with meaning and purpose.
A spiritual and holistic journey of self exploration to reconnect with moments of wonder and joy.
Growing clarity and confidence around bringing a project to life that is fully aligned with you, your values and the impact you want to see in the world.
Laura Saxton
Head of Culture & Strategy, 64 Million Artists
I feel as though multiple doors have been unlocked within me, as a result of traversing this Path.
This experience, the togetherness, the circle of women, with their shared wisdom, has transformed, reenergised, refocussed, expanded my being.
I have learned an incredible amount, but what I treasure is the experiences, the embodiment work – the different tools in my toolshed.
I have a wonderful pencil case of treats that have enriched my life and I am thrilled with where I am at the final stages of the Path.
Dharini Collins
Senior Lawyer
The Journey Unfolds…
with Magical Masterclasses…
As we go, we will also be experiencing special sessions on zoom led by external facilitators, including a Constellations session led by an internationally renowned facilitator and a masterclass in how to make miniature worlds that tell beautiful stories (that’ll be your own story, by the way).
and Practical Processes…
We will also be learning a variety of specific tools and techniques to supercharge your creativity, enhance your imagination, equip you with practical ways to explore your legacy and engineer serendipity. These tools will be taught and practised over a series of sessions that take place in person and also remotely. These techniques are always intuitive, imaginative, and can be adapted for your particular passions, interests, and creative explorations
some powerful Peer Mentoring...
You will be given a variety of ways to engage in peer mentoring, with structures that can support you within a buddying system or in smaller groups, designed to help you find new ways to work and play and hold space with and for your fellow participants on the Path.
and even a residential weekend in the countryside…
The Tools and Techniques:
Meet Your Future Self
Imagine being able to time travel to have a meaningful encounter with yourself in your radiant healthy old age. This is a tool that allows you to access your innate wisdom, your inner resilience and your self-love, any time you need to.
Meet Your Idea
When we relate to our creations as sentient beings in their own right, we unleash our creative energy. When we “partner” with our projects, we not only have more fun, freedom and flow, we also work in collaboration with the ideas themselves.
The Cut Up
We will experience the creative technique that David Bowie used to write all his songs, a simple yet powerful tool you can use any time you want to access fresh thinking, new modes of expression or simply get unstuck and shift into playfulness again.
Dinner for the Dead
This is a beautiful evening ritual timed around the Day of the Dead /Halloween, where each of us brings a beloved dead person to dinner - and shares their signature dish along with all that they meant and mean to us. A truly magical and moving meal for body, heart and soul.
Kinder Oracle Readings
We are all meaning-making machines, so why not add a little fun - and chocolate - when seeking an answer to a big question? The Kinder Oracle is surprisingly powerful - we will literally interpret the toy within as the Universe’s answer…
Ritual Design 101
You will learn how to design a moment of meaning which you can immediately apply in your life and work. Humans have long created rituals to mark milestones and honour transitions – and you will learn how to use my Ritual Design Checklist in all areas of your life.
We will also connect as light bodies in exclusive, cutting edge, soulful Virtual Reality
Imagine sitting in circle as a being of light, connecting as a group from the heart, regardless of your location.
Over the past few years, we have all experienced zoom fatigue, drained by hours of squares on screens, while simultaneously increasingly designing our lives to operate on a remote basis.
But what if you were to experience meaningful connection from afar - without needing to fire up your camera?
Thanks to a groundbreaking scientific VR project I was lucky enough to work on, I have exclusive access to a truly extraordinary virtual world where I can invite you to join a session where you will be able to see, hear, feel and experience what it means to be the pure energy body that you are - and to meet your fellow participants as light beings in a magical world.
This pioneering VR project has already led to the publication of several internationally acclaimed scientific papers (on which I am cited as a co-author) and been lauded by the MIT Technology Design Review as groundbreaking.
During our 12 months on the Path of the Possibility of Wonder, we will experience multiple sessions in this truly wonderful world, where we will not only be able to play with light molecules and with each other, we will also be able to experience deep healing in the most profound and yet futuristic way possible.
There is nothing else out there like this.
You have to see it - and feel it - to believe it.
Along the way, we will also spend 12 hours in one to one sessions
Designing your Unique Journey
Our one-to-one sessions, alongside the group experiences, will take you through a profound life shift, carrying you through a playful, purposeful adventure, as you transform any or all areas of your life, from your work to your relationships, your creative expression to finding your unique spiritual expression.
From the start of your journey to the celebration of your completion, I will be here supporting you along every twist and turn of the way, to help you step fully into a life, that inspires, delights, and nourishes you: mind, body, and soul.
And if you are able to come to London, I will take you to a labyrinth I discovered in an ancient cemetery and nature reserve, where you will experience a powerful process to help you to release the past, embody the present and - quite literally - step into your brand new future.
You can learn more about the one to one part of this process here.
These sessions follow your pace - you can see me once a season for a 3 hour deep dive, or you can have an hour a month, or a 2 hour session every few weeks. Or leave it completely open and just see when you feel ready.
Here is what one of my one-to-one clients and former Path participants has to say (he did the pilot, before the Path became women only) :
I describe Tiu de Haan as the ‘Marina Abramovic’ of coaching.
That’s shorthand for saying Tiu brings an unusual creative, artistic, shape-shifting, shamanic genius to her coaching.
If you want to explore some breakthrough changes in your life, I recommend setting up a call.
Charles O Malley
Senior Advisor, United Nations Development Programme, Founder, Responsible Leadership Forum
As we go, we will agree on actions and mini-adventures that ensure you are following a truly inspirational path, step by sparkly step.
We will:
Track Progress
Track your progress in creative ways as you explore new terrain, both within and without: you might make a treasure map, a reward chart, a scrapbook, a video diary, or paint your very own yellow brick road — and more.
Gamify Your Goals
Gamify your goals so you always feel eager, excited and engaged in your explorations - with me there to encourage and support you every step of the way.
Course Correct
Course-correct as we go, checking in on a regular basis to ensure you feel fully alive, creatively inspired, and empowered.
Reflect & Fine-tune
Take time to factor in deep rest, reflection and dream time along the way - this is about attuning to what feels right, including time away from the trail when you can simply stop, breathe and be.
On the journey, you will also have lifetime access to all my Online Courses
Whether you want to calibrate your inner compass to more meaningful goals or master the creative toolkit I use with artists, entrepreneurs, scientists, and CEOs, you will have complete access to my whole catalogue.
Birth Your Creative Project
What are you longing to create?
Unblock your creativity, unleash your inner genius, nourish your playful spirit, and learn brand new ways of making meaningful progress that turns ideas into projects.
Creative Quest Kit
Transform how you see challenges, forever.
When you see a problem or a project as a creative quest, it becomes a call to adventure. When you gamify a goal, you are more likely to access your courage, your curiosity and your creativity.
New Year Reflection & Creation
Two 90 minute online classes for the turning of the year. One looking back to reflect upon the treasures, the challenges and the meaning you are making of the year that has just ended. The other is looking ahead to the year that is beginning, to create meaningful metrics and magical milestones along the path.
Four Seasons
Stay on track with your New Year meaningful metrics with these four seasonal 90 minute classes.
Take time every quarter to reflect and release the old and create the next chapter, creating the life you want, moment by moment, milestone by milestone.
So, ask yourself these questions:
Are you…
Ready to recalibrate your inner compass to a fresh point on the horizon, one that lights you up and calls you forward?
Seeking more meaningful moments of deep connection, both with yourself and others?
Feeling a call to step up and live into your purpose, exploring your personal legacy, whatever that might be?
Longing for more fun, more creativity and more time to play, to feel like an adventurer on a mythical quest as you seek - and find - the clues to your unique treasure?
Would you like to…
Be part of a magical mastermind group of like-minded, like-hearted people, all committed to humbly exploring their life calling and their deep quest for meaning?
Reconnect with your creativity, your imagination, and your ability to dream bigger?
Reset, recharge, and recommit to what really lights you up?
Look back on 2024 to 2025 as the most extraordinary year, one that changed your life for the better - forever?
And sometimes, it just feels like time.
Time to explore new horizons.
Time to commit to your path, your intention, your creativity, your legacy.
Time to shift into a new kind of consciousness - and to do so with spaciousness, solidarity, support and serendipity.
Ready for the next step?
Well, then the
Path Begins Here
How to find out if this is the path for you:
Schedule Your Free Discovery Call
Think of this like a free creative map making session, combined with a chemistry check, with a possible guide for your next chapter.
We will explore whether the path is right for you, where your life is right now and where your heart-centred hopes, soulful longings and imaginatively inspired ideas are calling you forward.
We will also check if we are aligned in how you like to work and discuss the practicalities and commitment involved of both time and investment.
Commit to the Path of Possibility
If you decide to go ahead and commit to the Path, we will formalize our agreement, organise payment and schedule our first one to one Deep Dive session, as well as the group sessions schedule.
I will also send you some specially personalised pre-work questions which will take you deep into what lights you up and where your path is calling you, as well as sharing stories about your life and letting me know how you would like me to support you in our work together. We’ll also get you set up to be a light being in VR….
Deep Dive 121 & First Group Gathering
Your first one to one session will be a 90 minute Deep Dive, either on zoom or in person, exploring what you want to release and create over the year ahead, mapping your first steps.
We will also kickstart your progress with some inspired actions and creative homework to get you feeling excited, creative and eager to experience the adventure.
In addition, the group of 6 will gather in person in autumn 2024 for a one day workshop to connect, create and explore the possibilities together.
About Tiu
Let me be your guide along the Path of Possibility…
I have spent the past 18 years creating and curating experiences designed to shift your perspective, wake up your wonder and remind you how to find the magic in the mundane. I’ve worked with everyone from CEOs to 7 year olds, created experiential events for globally renowned organisations at a point of change to individual people seeking more meaningful, magical moments in their lives and careers.
I’ve helped people face death, both their own and those of their loved ones. I’ve helped people to birth new projects from books and albums to businesses to lifelong legacies. I founded a non profit, all about connecting children and parents through play, and I am working on my own legacy project - a physical place which acts as a magnet for magical people and projects that make experience itself an art form.
I myself have been a lifelong spiritual practitioner and learner, hobbled by grief and exalted by grace, exploring many paths and gathering wisdom along the way, learning, ultimately, that there are multiple ways to the same mountaintop.
The Path to the Possibility of Wonder brings together all my most powerful, playful and profound offerings, in one extraordinary experiential adventure.
You can find out more about me here.
But really, you could just get in touch and have a conversation about whether this Path is right for you.
I trust your curious, courageous heart to tell you whether it is.