Free Summer Workbook



Do you find that by summer, you’ve lost track of all the experiences that have populated the first half of the year, as well as lost sight of your intentions for 2024?

This workbook takes you through a series of written and/or drawn exercises to reflect on the last few months so and reset your path for the months ahead.

  • A creative, reflective seasonal practise that can keep you on track, help you recommit to what matters and live your year with intention

  • A reminder to stop, notice and appreciate the micro moments of beauty and joy along the way

  • A powerful yet playful process that you can do in your own time, alone or with a friend


  • Download the workbook and save it for the right space and time to devote yourself fully to the experience, which will take about 90 minutes to 2 hours in total.

  • NOTE: The wording of the exercises is for a seasonal practise but if you didn’t do the Spring workbook, you can simply adapt the “looking back” part to cover the first half of the year. Similarly, if you want to make the “looking ahead” portion take you all the way through to December, that’s fine too.

  • When the time comes, make yourself a cup of something, set your phone to Do Not Disturb, gather your diary for 2024 and your favourite notebook and pens.

  • Allow at least 45 minutes for the ‘looking back’ half and a further 45 minutes for the ‘looking ahead’ half - and if you want to space it out over two sessions, that’s great too. Take as long as you like.

  • Once you begin, I suggest you set a timer for at least 3-5 minutes per exercise so you can let yourself free write or draw past the initial reaction, so you can give yourself space to fully explore your response.

  • If you decide to do it with a friend, allow plenty of time for sharing and reflection after each half, and when you get to the end, share your commitment to the micro actions with each other so you can have an accountability buddy in taking the next tiny steps. It really helps.